Join The Real World Portal

Take control of your future by mastering new skills. Welcome to The Real World.
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Our Mass Portal
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Our Teaching Philosophy

Learn around like-minded people, and from like-minded mentors.
Celebrate achievements with a supportive community who understands your journey.
Personalized guidance and advice from industry experts.
Note: The Real World is an educational platform. Everything taught within The Real World is for education purposes only. It is up to each student to implement and do the work. The Real World team doesn't guarantee any profits or financial success.

What Do I Get Access to?

Step by Step Blueprint

  • Easy-to-follow program to set you up for success
  • Quickly learn highly demanded skills
  • Access knowledge updated by the hour
  • Cutting-edge learning platform

Private Network & Community

  • Engage with like-minded individuals pursuing similar goals.
  • Learn from real world results and examples
  • Learn with our hyper advanced application

Get Mentored Every Step

  • Professors will lay out a plan that works for YOU
  • You’ll be mentored every step of your journey
  • 1-on-1 communication and advice from industry experts
  • Get access to opportunities only available in TRW

What is The Real World?

Gold R Letter
Matrix Hand Holding World

The Real World is a global community of like-minded individuals on a mission to become the best version on themselves.

Each member receives advanced training and guidance from our industry experts and gains access to all the courses on the platform.

Our educational platform uses newest AI technology to support personal development and deliver innovative learning experience.

What Do We Teach?

Learn All Digital Skills

The business models we teach are:

  • Completely online
  • Location independent
  • Usable worldwide
  • Focused on new markets (AI)
copywriting icon
e-commerce icon
AI Chip
Artificial Intelligence

Modern Marketing Strategies

Our strategies are designed to help you achieve your objectives based on your available time and resources.

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Automate Your Business

Learn how to manage your business and outsource so you can focus on what is important for continued growth.

business and finance icon
Business Mastery
mindset icon
Entrepreneurial Mindset

Success Stories


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Sales & Marketing

USA flag

Get Real Results

If you genuinely give your 100% effort the universe will give you what you deserve.

We are revolutionizing the educational industry. We will help you achieve your goals faster than traditional means. You don’t have to wait 4 years to get a degree. The world is moving fast.

You make a progress in life as you LEARN. We teach you the real skills to your independence. If you ALREADY knew them, you wouldn’t be on this page.

Laptop and Phone showing the app

We’ve built an ever-accessible portal to fully escape. Our own custom application. Available on every computer, phone or tablet.

200K+ students

Inside The Real World you will be surrounded by ambitious and health focused individuals striving to achieve greatness.

Montage of a luxury lifestyle all over the world with boats, super cars and private planes

Our community and mentorship program will equip you with all the resources needed to reach your goals.

Gold knight chess piece Gold knight chess piece

What Awaits You:

The Real World logo
Get Full Access
$49.99 Per Month
Cancel any time, risk-free
  • Easy step-by-step tutorials

  • 19 up to date strategies

  • Private Network and Community

  • 1-on-1 mentorship

  • Chats, discussion and help

  • No experience needed

  • Price locked forever

The Real World students are winners because they take action. We will show you a proven path to success.

But just like there are winners, there are also losers.

What’s the difference between the two?

One takes advantage of every opportunity, and lives with a pure heart, zero regrets.

The other hesitates, and lets life changing opportunities pass them by. Which one are you?

Regardless, The Real World students keep winning.

Do not waste this chance.

Note: The Real World is an educational platform. The The Real World team doesn't guarantee any profits or financial success. It's up to each student to implement and do the work.

The Choice Is Yours

Time is precious, and making the most of it is crucial for growth. Progress is influenced by mentorship quality and the learning environment.

We've spent years developing our fully independent and modern day educational platform and we continue to innovate and improve daily.

Become strong and well-connected in this world. We’re here to offer you all the support you need on your journey!

Are you ready to take the next step?

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have subtitles if I don't speak English well?

Yes, we have closed captions (subtitles) in most languages and are
adding more every single day.

Do I need funds once I'm inside TRW?

Not necessarily.
Once inside The Real World, many of our students chose copywriting and freelancing, which are businesses without money requirements, and saw great success!

Does my age play a significant role?

No, but we encourage anyone under the age of 18 to consult a parent or guardian before signing up for TRW.

Is it an issue if I lack knowledge about the skills you teach?

Our program focuses on mentorship and learning.
By following our step-by-step lessons and guidance,
you can gain knowledge about establishing your goals.

I don't have a lot of time available, can I still apply?

Absolutely. Our methods are designed for easy implementation.
So all you need is a minimum of 30 minutes a day to listen to your instructors and practicing what you’ve learned.

I live in X country. Is it a problem?

Not at all.
We focus on teaching skills that can be applied regardless of your location.

Still have questions?

Click the orange circle on the bottom right of your screen.
Ask anything about The Real World to the Live Chat.